Orange Top Graphic
Orange Top Graphic


Our cookies help us to:

  • 1. Our website works as you expect
  • 2. Remember your settings during and between visits
  • 3. We improve the speed / security of the website
  • 4. We are continuously improving the website for you
  • 5. Make our marketing more efficient

Cookies for anonymous visitor statistics

We use cookies to compile statistics of visitors such as how many people visited our website, what type of technology they use, how much time they spent on the page, which page they viewed, etc. This helps us to continuously improve our website.

The website uses the following cookie providers:

  • Google Analytics (third-party cookies)
  • Facebook Pixel (third party cookies)
  • Google Adwords (third-party cookies)

Granting permission to use cookies

If the settings on your software, which you use to browse this website (your browser), are adapted to accept cookies, for us this, as well as your continued use of the website, means that you accept cookies. If you wish to remove or not use cookies on our website you can find out below how to do so.

Turn off cookies

You can usually turn off cookies by customizing your browser to stop accepting cookies.